Great #BeingSingleMeans Tweets that Show Singledom Doesn't Suck

When #BeingSingleMeans started trending on twitter, I knew there had to be something in it for me. I've been single for over two years, but I still learned a lot of what I can appreciate about being single. Namely, we don't have to worry about food security for pizza or french fries. I definitely think it's good to reflect from time to time on the positive in order to get through tough times. Although it's the internet, I really think it brought out the best in everyone. There weren't any put downs, and the people who shared the hard honest truth found understanding and commiseration. Way to go, tweeps!

If #beingsinglemeans not having to worry about pants or having endless space for naps, then we haven't really come that far since kindergarten. But, if that is the case who is going to design a playground for singles to meet?

1. At first glance, @Nitya seems to have everything she wants already.
2. Kevin shares a lesson that's harder for some than others. 
3. Elise has already moved on to her next beau.

4. Eva is all of us. 

5. Shelly shares a deep truth. 

6. This one is my fav. Superheroes unite!

7. Pretty sure we've all done this. 

8. JC slaps down the cold hard truth. 

9. And another JC shares the answer to the question that's been around for 2000 years. 

10. Is food really our only safe space? 

11. Alika is onto something great here! 

12. With this attitude, I don't think he'll be single for long. 


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